Thought “Black Man On Elevator; Watch
Your Purse” G. Ward
Acts 17:26-27
“And He made from one man
every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined
their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that
they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though
He is not far from each one of us.”
Holy God has been gracious to mankind without category. There have
however been some junior anthropologists who insist that some ethnicities are
with greater intellectual aptitude while some naturally suffer in less;
forgetting sociological and environmental implications for any. While mental
challenges do exist, let’s understand that no ethnicity is with greater
propensity than another ethnic group. Race for the Almighty has no divide,
while mankind’s lack of follow-ship of Heaven’s standard insists it does.
Moreover the misappropriation of scripture allows false notions of procreating
among people from different regions as absurd, while Holy God only takes one’s
soul with Him (cf.1 Sa.16:7). Shouldn’t we have the attitude of our Creator
(cf. Phil.2:5-11)? Social constructs given man violates a hope unto any
desiring HIM as Lord; particularly when it deems a people group unqualified
(cf. *Gal.3:28).
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