Thought “Boots On the Ground” G. Ward
“And do not fear those
who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy
both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28
The sixties
allowed my siblings and me to view large military vehicles parading down major
boulevards in our city. These armed soldiers (National Guard) carried high
powered weaponry as an order issued from the government of Michigan who sought
rest on behalf of its citizenry. Mass rioting was as pervasive then as any
Middle Eastern country experiences. As a kid, I marveled at seeing a live
version of the “Army Men” I played with from a purchase at the “Dime Store.” My
understanding of social unrest was guarded, so fear wasn’t an option.
As children
of the Most High we’re yet guarded and the child-like faith we had in parental
protection is the reliance necessary in avoiding fear with all the modern day
chaos (cf. Pr.1:24-29). It most certainly remains incumbent of me to share truth
regarding terroristic plots indigenous to America or those disgruntled abroad.
Believers (we must remember) have perished for numerous generations at the hand
of terrorists, while failing to know that death for every believer is without
terror (cf. Jn.5:24, 14:1-3, Rev.21:4)…
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