Monday, July 6, 2015

Today’s Thought “Without Judgment” G. Ward

Then the Lord said to me in the days of Josiah the king, “Have you seen what faithless Israel did? She went up on every high hill and under every green tree, and she was a harlot there.” Jeremiah 3:6

Imagine 50 years ago, perhaps Grandma resides with your family and Mother is in the kitchen preparing one of those outstanding meals and you arrive (at the side door) after being out all night reeking of marijuana smoke? Considering the same year, you and numerous friends are encircled sharing stories (in confidence) and one suggests they’ve had illicit relations with several on the week prior, and another admits being attracted to others of the same gender?

The subtlety of sin without consequence has become our reality. Without cognizance and certainly without judgment, we’ve allowed modern culture to extinguish our evaluations. King Josiah in the days of Jeremiah’s prophetic reign was highly esteemed among men. He was very charismatic and gave Israel great revival unto Holy God by destroying all the idolatry throughout the land. After his reign, other kings (4 to be exact – Jeremiah’s time) allowed great compromise “Without Judgment.”

If you’re not rooted (individually) in Jesus as Lord, you’re delighting in a reign similar to Josiah’s; cheering him on by saying, “King Josiah, tear down all the idol worship, but don’t dare touch mine (cf. Tit.1:15)!

Happy Monday!

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