Thought “Blessed Insurance” G. Ward
“For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come
like a thief in the night. While people are saying,
“There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as
labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But
you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief.” 1 Thessalonians
Children of my era shared great delusion in being trapped in a candy
store for an extended period of time (particularly without restraint). When
exposed to extreme amounts of sweets in our day parents were with great similarity
in expressing that too much would promote sickness. Although a repetitive message
of constraint is embedded in our subliminal mindset, self-centeredness can/will
obscure proposed safeguards (cf. 2 Ti.3:1-5).
Day after day, pursuits in happiness obscure the brevity of man (cf.
Ps.90:10-12). An unfortunate paradigm in modern culture more seeks a “candy
store” scenario representative of American opportunity, than contemplations in
sickness (i.e. eternal separation) that assumes my way has relationship (or
Holy God accepts the blending of His salvation with my personality traits) with
the complete transformation demanded (2 Cor. 5:17).
Happy Tuesday!
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