Thought “Heaven Bound” G. Ward
“But when you give to
the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,”
Matthew 6:3
Most of great
notoriety, particularly when accompanied by riches, is monitored heavily by
John Q. Public on how benevolent they’ve been in their proposed wealth. Whatever
then is reported is never suitable enough for the masses. It’s only when they
are the benefactors that satisfaction would become their mantra.
On this week
a great friend/brother passed from this strange land unto home. S. Truett Cathy
(Founder to the Chick-Fil-A chain of restaurants, 1800 in total) exemplified
simplicity while being extremely wealthy. He insisted all his restaurants
remain closed on Sunday’s, forsaking greater wealth (cf.Mk.8:36). For 50 years
he taught 8th grade boys in Sunday School at his place of worship.
Rarely would he miss that opportunity although business commitments (national &
globally) would compel his presence often times. Both my sons in their 8th
grade year were privileged to have him as their teacher.
My eldest
son was the type of kid to be impressed by anyone who made over $10,000
annually. He knew of Truett’s success and frightened me on the many occasions
he had with him. Truett, in all of his benevolent ways would build relationship
with some more than others; and at one point it became my son’s turn. Greg (my
eldest) shared with Truett our family history along with what was then our
ministerial pursuits (I was a pastor then as well). Then came Truett’s famous
line; “What does your family need?” Greg then replied, $2,567,239.28! Truett
wrote him a check and we’ve been rich ever since. NO, I’M TOTALLY KIDDING! Greg’s
true reply was, “Thank you Mr. Cathy, we have need of nothing.” I was so proud
of Greg, but more proud to know Truett Cathy (1921-2014).
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