Thought “Completing Chores” G. Ward
“This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God
is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet
walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but
if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with
one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” 1
John 1:5-7
Worship Halls have become more Motivational Temples with feel good
philosophy than promoting an atmosphere of being laid bare in contrition after
hearing Holy God’s word. Moreover, exuberant praise flows from this kind of
victimization (cf. Hos.4:6), because most are sincerely thanking HIM for
Another Day’s Journey, which really translates, “I know I’m going to continue
to fall short in most areas of my life again, but I want to thank You for
Sure, Holy God most certainly identifies with man’s insufficiency. He
sent His absolute best to bridge the gap so that we might commune with Him. We,
however have been compelled in lethargy concerning our pursuit of intimacy with
Him by allowing this “feel good” weekly (& weakly) syndrome to obscure our
good thinking and a proper work ethic (i.e. “Be diligent to present yourself approved
to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
truth.” 2 Ti.2:15).
There is no greater love unto Holy God than perfect obedience. We’ve been taught,
praise our way out of circumstances; Jesus is on the main line… If we do this,
He’ll do that! Surely, we’re not
rewarded for imperfect behavior? Only when you did your chores could
you even think about asking to go to the movies – get it?
Many are quick in expressing what Holy God said to them (particularly
outside of the Bible). While doing so, they’ve neglected what was given them to
do first (Mt. 28:19-20). What if your mother kept telling you to clean your
room and time after time you kept approaching her about going out with your
friends to not do the first thing she instructed? Some of us have a false
connection! That’s precisely why it’s necessary to never involve yourselves
with preaching and teaching that isn’t expository. There is enough to divulge
about Holy God and His righteousness without me telling you how blessed you’re
going to be for bringing some more money to this altar!
The kingdom
is entered and served on God’s terms, not ours (cf. Mt.7:20-23, 1 Jn.2:3-6).
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