Monday, April 1, 2013

Today’s Thought “Better Times” G. Ward


“Do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you.” Romans 11:18


For many of our greatest grandparents, the wheel-barrel was as innovative as the Apple I-Phone is on today. It promoted great convenience and I’m sure everyone flocked to the local trading post to receive one. The good old days arrived and left many with parameters seemingly impossible for our modernity. Legislation was without inclusiveness, while communication moved at a snail’s pace. Impetuously, we comment on the difficulties by pretentiously placing ourselves in that era, thinking we would mimic Mohandas Gandhi in social activism. I’m inclined that mankind maintains (innately so) an ability to acclimate to most any condition; particularly when his mindset understands potential exodus as far off.

I believe our issue was/is similar to the Jewish race of Paul’s day (as elaborated on at Romans 11); blatant disobedience due to lack of recalling mercy and grace from the King. We’ve moved too fast, too soon. Moreover, we’ve trained up in commercialism vs. assessing what necessitates basic living.

The folks of old were consumed more with food on the table and shoes on their feet. Ours is where to go and eat on today vs. yesterday (because we most certainly can’t feast on the same). Furthermore, out of the many pair of shoes we possess; what color would best suit this designer outfit I’m wearing.

What’s scary is that our great grandchildren will talk about the I-Phone with utter disdain, equating it with the wheel-barrel analogy… Happy Monday!

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