Thought “Lack of Resolve” G. Ward
“They speak mere words,
With worthless oaths they make covenants;
And judgment sprouts like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.” Hosea 10:4
With worthless oaths they make covenants;
And judgment sprouts like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.” Hosea 10:4
On last evening it was reported that our President met with key
legislators across his party line to shed resolve on spending cuts that would
enable Americans potential reprieve from fiscal improprieties of the past.
Forgive my pessimism, but what’s absolutely amazing is how educated men and
women, representing a constituency of affluent, overlooked, liberal and
conservative voters can’t agree to disagree without resolve. Every partisanship
represented seeks to distort media’s opportunity to promote facts by the more
acceptable, pervasive option that sensationalizes news. Listeners then decide
whose ideology to adopt; not based on researching facts, but on presentation.
In the days of the Prophet Hosea, Israel had to be reminded of Holy God’s
faithfulness. HIS faithfulness was transcendent to those contemporaries of
Hosea, but also prevailed among those in times past. Forgetfulness from those
recipients of greater grace contains a penalty (cf. Ro.6:23). Therefore our
resolve must insist on what’s eternally rewarding; knowing and then doing the
will of God. As practitioners (of following God’s will), we’ll not opt for
loquacious advocacy that promotes more idealism. We’ll insist on promotion of
what Final Authority demands (cf. Heb.13:8).
Happy Thursday!
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