Friday, January 24, 2025


Today’s Thought “Changing A Recipe” G. Ward

Philippians 4

13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.


The Philippian churches would consider the Apostle Paul as he’d venture to make Christ known by sending monetary support as he’d journey. They however had lapsed (not in regard, but in money) for ten years and whereas help arrived, Paul was thankful. If/when you’ll stir fry onions long enough in a pan, you’ll inevitably create an excellent reduction (i.e., gravy) and this corollary is with a similitude of what many do when they expressly take a singular passage as a personal mantra – to neglect its context; and whereas this apostle admitted to not having enough to eat many days, his writing conveyed to any follower with ears to hear, the essentiality in unfolding our LORD’S faithfulness, along with being amazed in how our Lord strengthened him as he'd proclaim HIS excellencies – with or without.

Is your trust similar?

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