Tuesday, October 29, 2024


Today’s Thought “Remembering the Cross” G. Ward

Luke 23

34 [But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”] And they cast lots, dividing His garments among themselves.


It’s become very apparent that spiritual leadership forsaken has modern day believers more celebratory in determination that suggests, “we have to fight!” Sure, there’s tremendous erosion of value systems of old, but we must remember, history unfolds great moral reprobation far worse. There is however, a fight sanctioned (spiritually) and whereas winning souls for our Lord - equals fighting for an endurance to teach HIS commands and watch lives transform/conform to the only Way, Truth and Life (John 14:6). Jesus never approached Caesar with demands for spiritual conformity; but commanded those who’d listen to follow and that implicit trust of the All-Wise Savior will soon understand that every generation witnessed the inevitable Light in mankind (surrendered in Christ) overcome (Ro.8:37) the darkness found in a gloomy world. Our Lord remains All Authority…

Monday, October 28, 2024


Today’s Thought “Go West Young Man…” G. Ward

Matthew 19

17 And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

The young man our Lord would encounter, desired to know Holy God on his own terms, versus the Almighty’s will. This dialogue was difficult only because this rich young ruler arrived resistant to hearing anything outside his demand and when our Lord would challenge his reliance on all he owned, insisting he sell it all and follow HIM, the boy ran (cf. 1 Ti.6:10).

We should glean from this, an inability to co-exist with Holy God’s goodness via a minute-to-minute pursuit in how HE correlated in the world’s evil influence and follow HIS example. This won’t mean rid oneself of materials, but unfold an interrogation in what’s most important; considerate in soulful re-adjustment that won’t allow materialisms’ comparison with our greatest desire of perfect reconciliation to the Father through Christ; knowing our time as short to prove such remains (*1 Peter 1:24-25).

Friday, October 25, 2024


Today’s Thought “Why Awaken Me?” G. Ward

Psalm 51

For I know my wrongdoings, and my sin is constantly before me.
Against You, You only, I have sinned and done what is evil in Your sight,
So that You are justified when You speak and blameless when You judge.

And Lord God, intimacy with You – mandates our praise. The Prophet Isaiah referred to You as WONDERFUL because Your glory is matchless and whereas access to You confounds our souls; particularly as we look within, unfolding unfaithfulness and blatant disregard of Your commands – bowing low and asking that You alone be the Lifter of our heads. How excellent is Your patience and lovingkindness towards us, in having chose us before the foundation of the world You made and while it pleases us that the Holy One knows our name, may our meditations recall that our new image should reflect Your holiness. May our ambassadorship increase onto any, unified in Jesus and HIS gospel, eliminating blanket statements of praising You as a substitute for introducing Your love for those You’ve purposed to be called Your own and may their repentance delight in how our instruction furthered - keeps our eyes on the prize of Your salvation unto us, through Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, October 24, 2024


Today’s Thought “Me-ism” G. Ward

Mark 10:45

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

While self-centeredness is a natural component of every man; particularly as he awakens to addressing himself; it’s that practice that sparks a self-preservation unsanctioned (Phil.2:1-5). Believers, however. are compelled onto a spiritual displacement of routine through an investigative pursuit in how their Savior embodied life in earth and follow (Eph.5:1). We’ll (i.e., believers) look entirely peculiar onto a populous, even tagged extreme; because indifference against what’s popular equals ultimate intolerance; but encouragement continues as our Lord gave fine examples of imperfect ambassadorship found in others like us who endured and are now guarded by HIS eternal presence (cf. Matt.10:28). Keep pressing…

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Today’s Thought “A Universe at Stake” G. Ward

John 3:16-17

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.


The Incarnate Christ (God in the flesh – John 1:1-3, 14) presented Himself in earth to attack righteously and compassionately, the issue of man (i.e., rebellion and evil -*Jer.17:9) and whereas we’ve been taught a subversion in defining these descriptors as solely belonging to the vilest of sinners, any (small or great) portion that can be named among us, indicts our guiltiness.

Our Savior however, stepped in, having stood in our stead, offering Himself as the Perfect Lamb of God; the Only suitable sacrifice for our deliverance. Such reprieve is too awesome for us who’ve placed our absolute trust in HIS directives; particularly because we know that those horrible descriptors (of earlier) belonged to us and now our days’ strongest desire is to share the wealth of such merciful kindness. This is not just an American message…

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Today’s Thought “Locked and Loaded” G. Ward

Ezekiel 2

Then He said to me, “Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to a rebellious people who have rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have revolted against Me to this very day.


Our message given, demands a death sentence to any who will follow our Lord’s lead. Christ would require those followers to bear a cross (indicative of an imminent crucifixion) and whereas HE set the tone in greatest sacrifice, HE’D call us accordingly (*Matt.16:24). We, who believe however, must portray the executioner as solely being the Word of God; for it is the regeneration responsible for death to life. When HE speaks to the depths of our soul and a practice onto obedience is established, fleshly desire is diminished (equaling what was rebellion) and the joy set before us increases overwhelmingly so. Moreover, mercy unto those unacquainted with such solace granted, demands we extend patience with love to these (unregenerated), until their reconciliation happens (cf. Ro.5:6-8).

Monday, October 21, 2024


Today’s Thought “No Turning Back?” G. Ward

Psalm 40:8

“I delight to do Your will, my God; Your Law is within my heart.”

While many attest that God is good, we must never insist/presume on HIS goodness as relative to what we think of as best for us (Isa.55:8-9). HIS Sovereign Way has predetermined our days (*Ps.90:12) and whereas our measure of time, along with its desperate trials – needing immediate rescue against the peace beforehand, there was never a guarantee it wouldn’t happen (Ro.8:28), but only desired our trust in HIM, while difficulties persist and when/if one adjusts (habitually) to the old “go to” it more reveals – that the device chosen has become your god.


Today’s Thought “No Turning Back?” G. Ward

Psalm 40:8

“I delight to do Your will, my God; Your Law is within my heart.”

While many attest that God is good, we must never insist/presume on HIS goodness as relative to what we think of as best for us (Isa.55:8-9). HIS Sovereign Way has predetermined our days (*Ps.90:12) and whereas our measure of time, along with its desperate trials – needing immediate rescue against the peace beforehand, there was never a guarantee it wouldn’t happen (Ro.8:28), but only desired our trust in HIM, while difficulties persist and when/if one adjusts (habitually) to the old “go to” it more reveals – that the device chosen has become your god.

Friday, October 18, 2024


Today’s Thought “Thanksgiving” G. Ward

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.


I’ve discovered a constraint, unusual to natural sensibility, allowing a meditative process onto all the Savior has provided me and realize how necessary it is to deny myself (*Matt.16:24); for HE gave HIS all. There is however that shadow of darkness plaguing every man, attributable to his unregenerated soul, causing bouts of slippage, whereby the great practice in surrender (through repentance – Acts 3:19) acknowledges Christ as Lord and thereafter - diminishes daily as one increases in a substantive faith in Christ (Never letting go); while hating that portion entirely unbecoming to their new spiritual character. Oh, How I Love Jesus…

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Today’s Thought “Workers Are Few” G. Ward

2 Corinthians 5:20

 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.


While our world teaches men to rely on systems unto a journey to be satisfied and whereas this quest is an age-old hunt that never culminated onto contentment – believers in Christ are convicted/convinced by an amazing grace afforded them; enough so, they believe there’s room at the inn for another and freely share (respectfully allowing this procedural instruction with patience, accuracy, availability and love). A true disciple is inevitably made by the Almighty and the world is blessed with another example in steadfast belief whereby words from the newest convert are few, but their actions speak volumes (cf. Jas.2:18-20) …

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Today’s Thought “Pockets Filled, But an Empty Heart” G. Ward

Luke 16:13

“No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”


Whereas those serving as treasurers and other officers in the local church are generally those deemed financially successful, oversight of some devoted to our Lord is most imperative. The religious leaders in the day of Jesus would offer a similitude of God and wealth, as if to say wealth is favor from the Holy One; this would certainly cancel our Lord in earth, along with those 12 disciples HE’D choose in portraying HIS gospel; they weren’t rich by any stretch of the imagination.

It is written to thwart ideas of blessings contingent on perception of things and whereby we should exist in the substance of the Invisible (*Col.1:15), many times we’re more impressed with shiny things and people. Whether rich or poor, there’s a denominator in understanding that all need our Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Today’s Thought “Fools Rush In” G. Ward

Proverbs 18:10

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe.


A song of old (Fools Rush In) is indicative of one who absolutely fell in love and knew a vitality necessary for him to thrive, included immediate marriage. Songs are primarily pertinent to self-love for these times, so contradictory to God’s Word (Phil.2:3-4, 2 Ti.3:1-2) and whereas this song could serve as a corollary to an intended love relationship with Holy God and encourage any to capitulate. A true encounter onto HIS grace and mercy can/will leave any (so undeserving – Ro.5:6-8) confounded in how can HE love me, despite all my flaws, yet so grateful HE does…

Monday, October 14, 2024


Today’s Thought “Sin in the House” G. Ward

John 6

28 Therefore they said to Him, “What are we to do, so that we may accomplish the works of God?” 29 Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”

The gospel is paramount unto every era of mankind. It alone determines joy with peace on earth and guarantees eternal presence with the Almighty God (*i.e., when one crucifies their flesh (daily) through repentance; because of a practice established of owning themselves). Moreover, it won’t look to inaccuracies from other men, but will only seek to contrast this proposed new life against the Lord Jesus (anything less is foolish defense and pompous).

There’s peculiarity in believer-ship because it absolutely depends on our Lord, versus systems and its leadership (so wavering) and whereas our lives are replete with occupation and family, our greatest calling to fulfill is to make Christ known (incidentally, this won’t ever mean – knowing your politics, soon to pass away and for those who think Holy God co-exists with your ballots, REMEMBER, HE ALONE IS SOVEREIGN, HAVING NEED OF NOTHING!).

Friday, October 11, 2024


Today’s Thought “Modernity’s Failure” G. Ward

Revelation 21

And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” 


Everything that proceeds from our Lord’s script is significant and whereas HIS promises are numerous, including the authoritative measure when God ends Heaven and earth and because our mindsets are limited and whereas God’s Word is not comparable to dissecting a Shakespearian sonnet, but only spiritually discerned and must be studied thoroughly and accurately (1 Cor.2:14, 2 Ti.2:15), we also are compelled to write. This won’t mean our Lord ever will enable a newest testament for you, but that HE’D be regarded as Faithful; particularly as our eternality rests on that actuality.

Howbeit, that it’s become so rare that very few bring their bibles, pen and paper to services? Have we out grown God’s Word? Has it lost its relevancy, or has our belief (?)…

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Today’s Thought “Spanked Graciously” G. Ward

John 16

But I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I am leaving; for if I do not leave, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. And He, when He comes, will convict the world regarding sin, and righteousness, and judgment:

The Savior promised, became “God with us” and HE would endeavor a work miraculously unparalleled that reconciliation from sin would allow a love relationship with Holy God for us and whereas believers’ praise in such is ongoing, there’s periodic spiritual lapse (with all – Ro.3:23), whereby godly sorrow overwhelms our soul and when that regret occurs, desiring the comfort once experienced – we must never forget to thank God, the Holy Spirit. Keep Pressing!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Today’s Thought “Faithful Is HIS Name” G. Ward

Romans 3

What then? If some did not believe, their unbelief will not nullify the faithfulness of God, will it? Far from it! Rather, God must prove to be true, though every person be found a liar, as it is written:

“So that You are justified in Your words,
And prevail when You are judged.”


The Apostle’s listening audience would certainly derive from Abraham’s ancestral line, assuming their Jewish regard as safe passage unto Holy God and whereas both Testament’s (i.e., Old & New) contingency warrants repentance from man to the Holy One, Paul’s fortitude should be ours, particularly as he authoritatively demanded they know – no matter their convictions through a popular messaging that pervaded, ‘”we’re God’s chosen,” won’t ever mean knowing HIS works with periodic acquiescing thereunto as the requirement (*Eph.2:8-9), but to know every human is regarded a violator – until surrendered to the Lord Jesus (Ro.3:10).

Does HE know your name, remains the million-dollar question?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Today’s Thought “Highest Authority” G. Ward

 Isaiah 43:11-12

I, only I, am the Lord, and there is no savior besides Me. It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed, and there was no strange god among you; So, you are My witnesses,” declares the Lord, “And I am God.


A savior is a deliverer; one esteemed by men through a valor significantly more than ordinary and whereas our Lord’s declaration insists all would know HIS surpassing Power as eternal – without looking to another, we stand amazed. Moreover, Christ as Savior provides in the similitude of the Father, granting a “best posture” for any who will follow and that position guarantees guidance in the weary land we’re exposed, while promising eternal life with HIM.

Some will view our theme as something that denies our Lord Jesus of His position given as our Advocate in glory, or even as contradictory of Him as Savior (Hebrews 1:3, 12:2; 1 Peter 3:22; Acts 7:55-56), but it affirms HIM as the Incarnate (i.e., God in the Flesh – *John 1:1-3, 14) and our newest spiritual view knows no other Conqueror…

That could mean that every social, civic and political interaction is weighed against this message of eternality (AND NO, THIS IS NOT VOTING YOUR OWN CONSCIENCE NONSENSE!).

Monday, October 7, 2024


Today’s Thought “Mirror, Mirror…” G. Ward

Proverbs 27:2

“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.”


While believers should be concerned about what our Lord determines we ought to be and whereas HE builds our character according to HIS Word, particularly contingent on our absolute, daily surrender to that will, it’s to this end that others will marvel at our peace (John 14:27), craving such with inquisitive lips – whereby the generosity shown us that enables our Light to shine answers with availability; suggestive that nothing good exists in me apart from the Almighty and please allow me to take you to the throne of grace…

Thursday, October 3, 2024


Today’s Thought “Sound Doctrine” G. Ward

Titus 1

10 For there are many rebellious people, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, 11 who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of dishonest gain. 


I’m amazed each time I endeavor studying Holy God’s Word to witness mankind’s regression after thousands of years. Our world won’t dispute history so easily until it regards God’s Word. Unfolding its complexities grants some basic insights, while denying unbelievers in all it represents, revealing spiritual discernment (1 Cor.2:14). Thereafter, a reliance on other manuscripts that subvert its Truth becomes an unfortunate consideration, while sensationalizing newest (and unsanctioned) theorizing, so attractive to many - comparable to Satan’s challenge to the first woman (Ge.3:1-5), pervading doubt unto the terms of Holy God. Counteraction from the pain of heresy is only settled through a systematic study of God’s Word, otherwise, I’m potentially subject to odd clothes to wear, disassociation with most I love and ingesting a poisonous elixir that tastes like Kool-Aid.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Today’s Thought “Luxury Over Compact…” G. Ward  

Ecclesiastes 7

The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than arrogance of spirit.


Absolute spiritual dependence on our Lord in everything is the daily goal for the believer and while there’s periodic lapse, meditations of HIS Word has been graciously implanted in the believer’s soul to bring us back to best directives (*John 14:26). Our journey (in earth) provided, builds on that to which ultimately satisfies, to never forget such temporal pleasures and devices so exhausting (cf. John 14:27) and whereas the “Rest” our Lord provides as HE builds us (Phil.1:6), keeps establishing peace furthered, this surrender becomes easier/greater (1 John 5:3), therefore recognizing a beginning  with numerous pitfalls, that often obscured travelling mercies – but have now become cruising in a 60’s model – “deuce and a quarter” (i.e., A Buick Electra 225).

Tuesday, October 1, 2024



Today’s Thought “Spiritual Reciprocity” G. Ward

Proverbs 19

17 One who is gracious to a poor person lends to the Lord,
and He will repay him for his good deed.


Surely it offends our Creator when/if we exercise oversight with those impoverished. We cannot talk about His attributes of love beyond the measure of any man, even while claiming how HE loves you and me and then called to be HIS witness, to then pervade a sectarian grace to others. Instead, we must testify to any socio-economic individual, with or without, and whereas those like me cannot monetarily satisfy housing payments (and other extreme debt), I have food and modest means that can allow for transport onto a particular destination. Let’s cease on this day provided, in arrogant assumptions and more mimic our Savior, through both sharing morsels of food, along with the Bread of Life (John 6:35).