Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Today’s Thought Loose Lips, Sink Ships…” G. Ward

Ephesians 5: 18 And do not get drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 


There’s Great justification from man concerning ingesting alcoholic beverages and whereas James 4:17 exists as Truth for believers by insisting we know, “whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin,” and whereas we profess Christ lives on the inside of us, do you think HE wants to sip on your martini? Well Gregory, HE turned the water into wine via HIS first miracle at a wedding! You’re correct; but considering the Jewish wedding lasted for as much as seven days, our LORD would have been complicit in having fermented the grape juice causing potential drunkenness of those attendees (*2 Cor.5:21) and whereas some immediately adjourn to doubting the inerrant script, you’re called unto diligence as you interrogate the passages without pre-supposition. Where inaccuracy appears to exist, context desired - can/will unfold (*1 Cor.2:14).

Believers are to live each moment onto best desire; to be owned by this Magnificent King and not influenced by worldly, unsanctioned devices. To call HIM Lord, means to experience a soul makeover (i.e., “old things are gone and all things are new) and whereas the Holy Spirit transforms us from the inside/out, so as to embody the character of Christ (*John 16:8-10), we pray that many are on their way.

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