Monday, November 6, 2023


Today’s Thought “Have You Heard?” G. Ward

Ephesians 1

He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He set forth in Him, regarding His plan of the fullness of the times, to bring all things together in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth.


Our days are filled with more religious disorder; not only from un-conventional factions, but also from churchgoers. It emanates from perspectives given so often by numerous sources with similitude in seeking short-cuts for certain recipes once tedious in preparation. Moreover, that same information at moment’s notice, highlights the many social disparities (ultimately relative to my pocketbook, than morally substantive) and whereas a less celebrated mode that honors the Savior’s attributes and seeks to follow Him, many more understand His life as having been tumultuous also; along with how HE witnessed a societal pace moving swiftly onto their own terms while saying they were in relationship with the Almighty (cf. John14:6). I want to challenge any on today to ask yourself, how has any fared (currently or historically) with ideologies produced (so quickly) that proved satisfying for a lifetime? Moreover, after this segment called life, what truly is the contingency for an eternity with Holy God (cf. *Luke 6:46, Ro.3:10,23)?  We all must be convinced that earth is the training ground for entry to Heaven and it begins and concludes with absolute faith in Christ Sufficiency, because there’s none found in us (John 15:5).

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