Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Today’s Thought “Voting Protects Our Future?” G. Ward
Matthew 9
36 Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then He *said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”
The Apostle Paul sought to encourage believers while living amidst streets filled with prostitutes, spirit mediums, extortionists, religionists pervading to know God while heaping rigid rules on others, but failing to exist in similar coding. Peter and James sought to comfort believers who were chased from every hamlet as their insistence of Christ as more than enough would be mocked, that would even cost them their lives. John, the final apostle, would witness all assigned personally by Jesus Christ to His words for distribution onto any, killed for their faith while innocent and then he would be banished to a criminal island (entirely dangerous) to fend for himself as a very old man, still commissioned by Holy God to write on HIS behalf to the church. Then and most important, our Jesus, having walked among men so illicit, seating Himself with prostitutes and tax collectors (i.e., extortionists), presenting messaging of eternality, even allowing His betrayer a merciful presence until his work would culminate as proposed.
We now exist either humiliated or happy, because our candidate was either denied or elected, with a blasphemous exchange that insisted our candidate will protect/guard rights for its citizenry; ensuring hope for our grandchildren; insisting with chants of take us back when the moral climate (in this strange land) was better. Did the criminal element here ever witness such? Was morality really something to behold? Have you not read? Did you not see? Does God want us so involved as HE depends on the electorate for such a guard? Our mouths say we have faith in God/ I trust HIM, while failing miserably in a basic tenet given man – HIS SUPREMACY was meant to govern those HE made. There never was guarantee of exemption of troubles of sorts and absolutely no euphoria in political ideologies, but HIS Holy abiding unto us keeps loving, providing and forgiving, despite us, but soon will be over (*2 Pe.3:8-10).
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