Thought “Smothered Chicken, A Thing of
the Past” G. Ward
Amos 9:3 “Though
they hide on the summit of Carmel, I will search them out and take them
from there; and though they conceal themselves from My
sight on the floor of the sea, From there I will command the serpent and it
will bite them.”
Grandmothers and Mothers alike would begin creating an attitude for
worship day around Thursday evening in times past. Children’s clothing would be
mended, satisfying growth spurts uncontrollable; along with meal planning that
determined who would be invited. We’ve been raised in these traditions to now
more embrace ingenuity’s convenience. While spontaneity is celebrated, we’ll
forget that it may disallow greater planning that perhaps serves as a moment in
reflection of Who brought me thus far and insist on restoration therein (*cf.
Joel 2:12).
Like the Prophet Amos, preachers of today seek to pervade on mankind the
same message. To say you know Him, is to do what HE says and the chieftain of
violation is furthered when worship services are forsaken (Heb. 10:25).
Irresponsibility thereafter is answerable to whether an eternity exists with A
Creator who never ceased in loving you.