Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Today’s Thought “Before the Hefty Garbage Bag” G. Ward

1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

One thousand three hundred garbage collectors went on strike because no health and welfare benefits existed amidst a work day of nine hours minimal that yielded wages unable to procure the worst shack in town. Those drum majors for justice knew their work as special envoys that would advocate (for the dejected) as a death trap (due to the many fatalistic threats) by those opposed to Holy God’s “mankind rule” without category concerning race, but simply trust in Him as Maker. How ironic to think of a non-violent movement evoking perpetuators of hatred as something that could compromise the lives of peaceable protestors. This stance in irony caused many households like mine growing up to become divided philosophically until February 21, 1965 (The assassination of Malcolm X). That religious leader purported a preparedness that mandated “they hit you, hit them back.” Seemingly barbaric to perceive until you assess the counteraction of water hoses and German Shepherds turned on the innocent. Hindsight reveals the theological position of loving one’s enemy by turning the other cheek (applied) as victorious. The ones of us yet alive are so very perplexed on the disquieted spirit of many of that era that remained so lethargic upon witnessing such hatred spewed by many. Why would legislation (1964) become necessary to declare equality among races (the frivolity in divide of races still exists)? Why is it that many still abhor race mixing as if Holy God ever said that the institution He ordained for procreation’s sake mandated a “social construct” be observed over ensuring future generations in believership continue and why are preachers still preaching social resolve, leaving gospel cure-all as secondary? The re-visitation of divide plagues 2019 because hatred was gated over 50 years ago, under lock and key whereas corrosive alloys unlocked the buffoonery in self-centeredness.

The ultimate death of Dr. M.L. King Jr. in accordance to his militant advocacy could have occurred at the height of the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955; yet he and others were just stoned, spat upon and beaten. The year 1968 mandated enough of this foolish advocacy because he now went from an obliteration of racial divide to economic fairness (through The Poor People’s Campaign of 1968 – soon to become a march that would trump 1963’s March On Washington) that would unfold an unfortunate plight of many Americans to date: If an Appalachian resident, living in squalid conditions gets millions of dollars, they’ll wreak havoc on our society, so kill the leader and squash that dreamer!

I still cry when viewing the footage of that time and deeper contemplations in 2019’s forecast mandates more Kleenex…

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