Thursday, May 4, 2017

Today’s Thought “Northern Lights” G. Ward


“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17


Palm trees from an initial perspective for a northerner (as I am) were/are captivating for me. It signifies arrival at a most posh resort, where ocean breeze exists and the sound of steel drums has the least in dance an accomplished choreographer. Those capable of such visitation rarely contemplate the inhabitants of the land. The comparability is synonymous with a reversal in visitation that marvels at your neighborhood’s oak tree. Most however that reside in these posh resort towns if granted visitation to your region, do think on the inhabitants; in a way that questions the wealth therein.

We would do well to consider the less fortunate, transcendent to wealth opportunity. There’s poverty existent in every region that denies the riches of grace and mercy found solely in the Savior; to which we hold the code (i.e. the gospel) that unlocks the room where palm trees may exist.

Happy Thursday!

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