Thought “City-scape” G. Ward
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John
The older I become, the more I long for simplicity; what truly has
brought us safe thus far. There’s great anthropology worthy of our inspection
to admire when assessing global misunderstanding(s). America is prideful with
its varied municipal thrust’s inclusion of multiple ethnicities, along with
celebrating multi-culturalism. While this is presumably celebratory, our land
forgets (perhaps arrogantly so) that although the wealthiest among the nations,
our failure in divestment (i.e. ensuring others have this hope proposed)
continues. We’ve categorically chosen only those with great export ability to
befriend. Moreover, we’ve seen ruthless leaders (globally) destroy their own,
exacerbating political posturing vs. subjective policing.
While the world (its countries and shorelines) promotes an ideology
comparable to the refrain, “This land is your land, this land is my
land, from California” mentality, Holy God declares we’re all wrong –
it’s solely HIS…
Happy Thursday!