Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Today’s Thought “Simi Valley Valiciousness” G. Ward

“A divine decision is in the lips of the king; His mouth should not err in judgment.” Proverbs 16:10

The GOP debate on tonight includes 17 candidates vying for what perceivably is the highest office in the land. Ideally all 17 will seek to convey their qualifications in governance to a captive audience more in tune with a war on words than substance. I say that because many forget that a system of “checks and balances” more disallow the Executive Branch’s exclusive power. Beyond partisan lines more embellishment is given in debate than possibility. Expressions like “this is what the American people want” carries implication of majority. The actuality in this although true is without measurement and could represent 3 or 3 million Americans.

Where’s the continuity in this liberal or conservative political-ness; Seventeen on one side, four on the other? Why not consider debate behind the scenes amongst (partisan) candidates to produce one for argument with another brand for Americans? If a divine decision is on the lips of a potential leader, his actions must be willing to subtract from idealism unto reality – GOD IS REAL (Mt.16:24, Ro.3:4).

Happy Wednesday!

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