Thought “Misconception” G. Ward
“And they stirred up the people, the elders and the scribes, and they came
up to him and dragged him away and brought him before the Council. They
put forward false witnesses who said, “This man incessantly speaks against this
holy place and the Law.” Acts 6:12-13
What does Holy God need from man, except that he maintains resilience in
his servitude? In that same compliance, He never guaranteed that others would
be elated with a practice therein. Moreover, He may allow for persecution
(including death) to occur as He did for Stephen.
Just recently (here in Atlanta), the Fire Chief was fired for his
un-authorized distribution of a self-published manuscript in which he called homosexuality “sexual perversion” and compared it
to “bestiality” (cf. Lev.18:22, Ro.1:26-28, 1 Cor.7:2). Some have alluded that
our Mayor is guilty of political posturing because his city’s great homosexual
community exceeded that to which San Francisco was once prominent. Whatever the
cause and effect, religious leaders have expressed outrage in what seemingly is
an infringement on religious freedoms facing
Christians and other people of faith.
Some, even within the believer community are yelling “foul!”
They further a FALSE notion of judging others, while making judgments all day
long themselves. Holy God’s words sanctions judging (particularly when studied
properly. Cf. Mt.7:1-5, Jn. 7:24, 1 Jn.4:1, 1 Cor.5:1-13), it simply demands
you be pursuant to righteous behavior. Just remember, in your observances, they’ll
hate you for it (Jn. 15:18-19), even up to killing you! Will Heaven stand for
you as HE did for Stephen (Acts 7:54-60)?
Happy Monday!
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