Thought “Cyber Monday” G. Ward
And he said to them,
“Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does
not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Luke 12:15
For the next
20+ days there will be great trouble in the land. Many will sit perplexed on
what to purchase for their loved ones for this illustrious holiday upcoming.
Networks like QVC (an initialism for "Quality,
Value, Convenience"), HSN (Home Shopping Network) along with a multitude of online cyber shopping
networks are salivating at the opportunity to increase their profitability.
It’s the easy payment option that’s far less interrogative, yet comparable to
credit extended that makes this an attractive mode of shopping. God’s word says
at 1
Corinthians 10:23, "I have the right to do anything," you say--but not everything
is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"--but not everything
is constructive.
Be very
careful to know there’s a 26th of December whereby the demand for
payment is imminent. Moreover, the children you’ve considered (with this
exorbitant purchasing) have misplaced (to never find) the gadgetry necessary to
operate these same components before year end. The adults (young or otherwise) may
have the same or desired the updated version, exacerbating the initial point of
perplexity presented (say that real fast), “what do you get for the individual
who has everything” (cf. Mt.6:25)?
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