Today’s Thought “Subordinate” G. Ward
“If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord’s commandment. But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized.” 1 Corinthians 14:37-38
In the early years of anyone’s life there’s a great amount of instruction given by those in authority over them. That instruction (should) always seeks to present both future/current hazards for the young and impressionable. I believe the child’s first word is “No” because they hear it so much. By the time adolescence occurs, this word (No) could be perceived as entirely negative (you think?). In my generation, “No” stood alone (upon a parent’s admonishing). Rarely would a parent engage you on the particulars of why. They (parents) would simply exacerbate a notion of old; “because I said so” and “just do as I say.” Seemingly, as a result of perceived bondage, young people may be plagued with a sense of subliminal rebellion that carries forth into adulthood. Without cognizance, their attitudes demands freedom from submission unto most authorities. Audaciously, they become excellent students of the democratization in American law (that protectant, while neglecting a holistic connotation of any predecessors (historically) receiving scourging along with a multitude of abuse, so they can be free.
Our Savior (Christ), is well acquainted with man’s rebellion (cf.Ro.3:10, 5:8) and desires from us a practice (Ro.12:2) that HE established long ago. Unlike many parent’s instruction, HE so graciously extends many examples of potential hazards because HE loves us so (2 Ti.3:16-17)…
Happy Monday!
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