Today’s Thought “Betrayal” G. Ward
“All who hate me whisper together against me;
Against me they devise my hurt, saying, “A wicked thing is poured out upon him,
That when he lies down, he will not rise up again.” Even my close friend in whom I trusted, Who ate my bread,
Has lifted up his heel against me.” Psalm 41:7-9
Against me they devise my hurt, saying, “A wicked thing is poured out upon him,
That when he lies down, he will not rise up again.” Even my close friend in whom I trusted, Who ate my bread,
Has lifted up his heel against me.” Psalm 41:7-9
It’s been said “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” I say, “sounds catchy” but more sketchy than accurate. Adopting some of these philosophical principles precludes our mistrusting what Final Authority demands (cf. Pr.3:5-6, Mt.5:44). Moreover, for those with special insights in knowing who a potential enemy might be; can you say SOOTHSAYER (Dt.18:10)? King David’s very trusted advisor/friend betrayed him after years of loyalty to then join his son Absalom’s plight to overthrow the kingdom (by any means necessary) through vicious plotting (cf. 2 Sa.15-17, Ps.41).
There was a young girl in the fourth grade who appeared a slow learner. She towered over the entire class. Her girth indicated how much stronger she was over the typical 9 year old. She was reluctant in sharing her age, but believed to have been 11 at that time. Ordinarily, she didn’t encounter too many challenges from her classmates (i.e. no one teased her because they were entirely intimidated). Periodically, there was one who’d forget. Why did I open my big mouth and demand it was my time to clap the erasers while she insisted I sit down quickly? I was as loquacious then as I am now. Seemingly winning the argument, while receiving an invitation to get a beat down after the last bell would sound. Somebody say, “get a plan quick Brother Greg!”
Fortunately, it may have been the second hour (in our session that day), with 4 more to go. This afforded my creativity to flow miraculously. Before she could threaten me per hour, I began to antagonize her publicly. Although at that time I was small in stature, my reputation as robust was proven. By the last hour, all our classmates strongly anticipated the fight of the century. I sought one last effort; sharing how I would defeat this Philistine. Upon my completed discourse, I looked her way smiling nervously. Wait a minute! What’s that? Yes! She smiled, even chuckled back! Some idiot would say that I mimicked King David’s victory over Goliath. I say I did what it took not to get my behind whooped! “Don’t let your mouth write a check that your behind can’t cash” may apply here – you think?
Evil is without the constituency enough to destroy what’s intended for man when his trust is implicit in Holy God. For my charismatic friends, it most certainly doesn’t mean they won’t be successful at taking you away from earth’s equation, it simply echoes the Apostle Paul’s sentiment found in Philippians 1:21, “But to live is Christ and to die, gain!”
Happy Throwback Thursday! (True Story)
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