Thursday, March 20, 2014

Today’s Thought “Spelling Bee” G. Ward


“Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only?” 1 Corinthians 14:36


I was in the fifth grade. Our teacher (Mrs. Nelson) epitomized what good teaching should demand – excellence. Moreover, her physicality was intimidating for a ten year old; leaving little to no room for being unsuccessful. I must admit to you that on a personal note, I was a high achiever prior to becoming her student, but her enthusiasm (i.e. craft) enabled an educational prowess existent in me on today.

Spelling was an important segment in our English class. Rarely, if at all would I score less than 100%. That year (1910 or so) was the year for our spelling bee at that school. Competing’s contingency involved only those students proficiently proven in their perspective grades. Our school was parochial, covering grades 1 through 8. At the actual spelling bee, there were 4 representatives from our class (me as one). When we arrived at the venue, I was pleased to see my brother and sister there representing their classes (we really weren’t smart kids, we just had abusive parents…). There was no second chance offered to those who misspelled words. I witnessed many going back to their classrooms, including my brother and sister. The very round before my dismissal, invited me to spell a word to which I studied prior to; Deus ex machina (pronounced Deus eks ˈmaː.kʰ]. Without hesitance, I spelled it (I’m so glad they didn’t ask me to define it! Furthermore, why is it in the English dictionary anyhow?). Well, as many of you who know me would suppose, this created an arrogance that would become my ruin. My next word was cooperate. This was like spelling cat for an English professor for me. I boldly proclaimed, “coperate!” The facilitator said “wrong!” Tears and more tears and more tears. I couldn’t believe it. Such a simple word, but I lacked cooperation with humility (pun intended). I’m fifty something now and I just got over this experience last year…

Happy Thursday (How’s that for “Throwback Thursday?”)!

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