Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today's Thought "Testosterone Exacerbated" G. Ward

"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

On today I heard some very disturbing news on cyber bullying. There was a 12 year old girl that committed suicide after having discrepancies over a supposed boyfriend issue with 2 other girls over a year's span.
Flatter me as I share a true story. There was a fellow who growing up alongside of my brother and I who was a tough kid. He was taller than everyone and had girth to match. In every feat of strength he went unchallenged, until he encountered Mr. Benny. Mr. Benny was a parent liaison at our school. He worked in the auto industry but devoted countless hours of volunteerism at our school. We all had great respect for him in that his approach to us was kind, while authoritative. One day Mr. Benny told our tough friend what he wasn't going to do. Our friend shared how he was going to share this with his dad and Mr. Benny should beware. It was approximately two days later when our tough friend's dad arrived on school property while the gymnasium was full of spectators. Our friend's dad asked a couple of questions unto his tough son to then propose a question unto Mr. Benny. The next scene was entirely heinous for kids to view. Without contest, our friend's father assaulted Mr. Benny until hospitalization was the only resort. All that knew Mr. Benny had tears in their eyes in witnessing this.
Question, why did our friend's dad enroll his maniac son in boxing thereafter? Our friend eventually became a professional boxer to have his career halted via numerous felonies whereby he became subject to the penal system (imagine that). Although it's believed that he was innocent to some charges (as CBS - 60 Minutes reported). There perhaps was some guilt also. Our friend was released from prison shortly after his case made national headlines. My brother and he rekindled their friendship post adulthood. Our friend just recently passed away. Fortunately, prior to his dying he became renowned for his youth advocacy with his experience as a boxer.
Are you advocating your child in their being physically and verbally tough vs. their reliance on the peace Christ offers (providing them with truer advocacy)?
"By forbearance a ruler may be persuaded, and a soft tongue breaks the bone" (Pr. 25:15).

Happy Wednesday!


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