Today’s Thought “Altruism or Ostentatious?” G. Ward
“And while all the people were listening, He said to the
disciples, “Beware of the scribes, who like
to walk around in long robes, and love respectful greetings in the market
places, and chief seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets,
who devour widows’ houses, and for
appearance’s sake offer long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.” Luke 20:45-47
Movie mogul and philanthropist Tyler Perry was recently involved in fellowship
at The
Potter’s House (Bishop T. D. Jakes church) whereby he felt led to give
one million dollars toward a youth center to be constructed by that same
church. He strongly testified to his being a giver, sharing how many enabled
his existence on today. Moreover, he attended the Woman Thou Art Loosed
conference the day before (hosted by Paula White), whereby she asked the
participants to give $113.00 representative of the 113th Psalm.
Tyler Perry stated that he left his check book at home, but was prepared to
give $113,000. * issued a donor alert on many ministries
through America, very particularly The Potter’s House. Their mantra
expressly states, “Support ministries that
provide clarity not ambiguity. Ministries that
are not open in providing basic information are obstructing prudent donors in
understanding.” The Potter’s House desperately needs more donors like Tyler
Perry to give towards their cause, particularly in view of only raising
hundreds of millions in dollars annually.
Now whether
or not you have great criticism of such a thing means absolutely nothing to me.
Many judge the rich regarding what they do with their great wealth, while never
with introspection on what’s given them to do. Mostly, they’re “waiting on
their ship to come in” before they decide to give anything. Many pastors like me
are saddened because Tyler Perry didn’t visit our fellowship on that Sunday (Just
kidding, really I am. cf. Php.4:11-13).
When viewing
such a thing, immediately it appeals to our insatiable appetites for more
(tangibly speaking). Furthermore it uncovers our fascination with those of
greater notoriety; enabling our castigations without proper observation.
Whether wrong or right, do you think Tyler Perry’s heart saying yes to Jesus
prompted this or was it for recognition from man? Only Holy God knows that, so
let it be.
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