Friday, December 22, 2023


Today’s Thought “Concerted Efforts in Celebration” G. Ward

Colossians 2

16 Let no one, then, pass judgment on you in matters of food and drink or with regard to a festival or new moon or sabbath.


While man will insist there’s something we’ll need to do outside of repentance for our sins unto Christ, HIS grace is marvelously Sufficient (2 Cor.12:9); particularly that which is dietary and concerned Israel (Matt.15:11, Acts 10:9-16), along with mandates that esteems days a particular way and demands of worship (corporately) on a Monday or Tuesday. Our Exemplar Leader – Christ, enabled us to endeavor imperfect witnesses (historically and currently) on Mosaic Law no one (other than Christ) Kept (*Matt.5:17).

Be sure that your heart objectively honors HIM on Christmas and everyday granted thereafter (cf. *Jas.2:10).

Merry Christmas Family!

Thursday, December 21, 2023


Today’s Thought “Seeing Is Believing?” G. Ward

Matthew 1

23 Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they shall name Him Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.”


From parting the ocean, so His people could pass through, onto feeding more than five thousand with two fish and five loaves of bread, many will say they believe, but until any endeavor to witness the pages, so alive, as Holy God, the Maker of heaven and earth as speaking to us (again, very particularly from Genesis to Revelation), belief is marginalized. The eternal script given was never intended to be an accompaniment to life’s journey, but the spiritual journal instrumental for our survival and whereas miraculous actualities, incomparable to normalcy exists from cover to cover, we’ll need to know the Almighty is nothing like man (Isa.55:8-9). Our preeminent example Christ, as God in the flesh, birthed through a virgin (*John 1:1-3,14), is too miraculous to perceive; unless any will interrogate how every Old Testament prophet shared this great phenomenon, so beneficial to our eternality (*Acts 3:24).

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Today’s Thought “Do as I Say, Not as I Do?” G. Ward

Philippians 2

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.


Many reared in good homes have exposed their children to Christmas by imposing certain markers as indicative of this holiday and yes, there’s that Jesus thing too (cf. *Judg.2:10). Photos with Santa are soon to occupy that great collection with other portraits that only show up when I’m looking for something in the month of June and discover these cute photos of when Junebug was so young and to think, he now has children and what was given him, now belongs to my beautiful grandchildren. I’m older now and am witness to many benevolent organizations who invite families of sorts to participate in toy and food distributions. Media outlets do well with outstanding coverage, finding individuals who’ve benefitted from those same or similar organizations, insisting their own family intentionally participate in this annual distribution; even ensuring their children understand such celebration as more than personal pleasure, while amazed at their children’s willingness to forsake receiving the newest game consoles. Could this carry special ordination from our Maker (cf. Ac. 20:35)? Moreover, will/can this adoption likely formulate our future familial understanding of Christ’s attitude and ask that HE “Create in them a clean heart, God, and renew a steadfast spirit within them” (Ps.51:10)? CHALLENGE!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Today’s Thought “Ham-hocks n Greens” G. Ward

Acts 10

13 A voice came to him, “Get up, Peter, kill and eat!” 14 But Peter said, “By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything unholy and unclean.” 15 Again a voice came to him a second time, “What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.”


So many refusing discipleship are instrumental in sharing dietary regulations established by Holy God FOR ISRAEL. Moreover, they’re equally in tune to a no judgment zone for believers without a contextualized pursuit similarly.

There was a host of reasons the Law was given, but primarily to reveal the Holy character of God Almighty and whereas HE hates sin and mankind inhabits a transgressive spirit, Israel would be reminded of spiritual constriction imposed by the Holy One, keeping them dependent (*Ro.3:20). Our New Testament pundits even seek to pervade these actualities (meant for Israel) unto this era, but no salvation was ever offered Israel through it (*cf. Jas. 2:10). Our only conduit in safety in directives from Heaven while in earth, along with assurance of an eternity remains Christ (Matt.15:10-11). The knowledge in Truth, empowers; but never for controversies furthered, but to extinguish speculations.

Monday, December 18, 2023


Today’s Thought “The Bread Basket” G. Ward

2 Corinthians 9:7

 Each one must do just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 


The hearts of the Corinthians were once jubilant concerning giving, particularly as they would hear of real need in Jerusalem; they would then agree to raise an offering, but were imposed upon by false instruction, similar to our day that pervades ideas on every preacher (that included this kind of falsehood regarding the Apostle Paul) as gluttonous. Then and now, there were/are those who are ridiculously self-centered, along with proposing convincing declarations in what “God said” while entirely out of touch. There’s yet a pursuit that absolutely can thwart being confused; its intimacy pursued with the Almighty (Ps.1:1-3, Prov.3:5-6, 2 Ti.2:15). Spiritual growth happens thereafter, allowing a sanctioned familiarity with how our Lord absolutely loves those supportive in the furtherance of gospel truth for every region and those participants will be remarkably blessed (*this never had a percentage attached, but was premeditative, in view of HIS merciful kindness). Leave the hype and only consider what worship means – ON HIS TERMS.

Friday, December 15, 2023


Today’s Thought “Out with the Old, In with the New?” G. Ward

2 Timothy 4

For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, and they will turn their ears away from the truth and will turn aside to myths.


While the Word of God is clear that the Almighty is nothing like mankind (Nu.23:19, Isa. 55:8-9, John 4:24), many seek to pervade their doubt unto their fellow man. These speculations presented, entirely theoretical, are not unique from theorists’ effort historically, that also sought great investigation of spiritual contradictions. None will/have been to understand context, because all that is written is with a discernment solely given to those believing in Genesis to Revelation as Holy God’s inspired words (cf.*1 Cor.2:14).

Frustration in this reality is permissible (cf. Eph.4:26), but any who believe must never violate the peace our Lord extends via answers that won’t be heard. This in no way means an initial effort, due to a false, presumptive notion (on our part) in their not hearing, but can often be we’re without the tools required to refute these speculations (1 Pe.3:15 – apologetics). Be encouraged in knowing that around every corner is one desirous of Truth; go find them, seeing to it that their joy is made complete by our Merciful Savior. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023


Today’s Thought “A Grim Future?” G. Ward

Judges 2

10 All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and another generation rose up after them who did not know the Lord, nor even the work which He had done for Israel.

It’s very apparent that there’s predominance among church attendees, who’ve more learned to substitute religious jargon for obedience unto servitude towards others, through what’s most foundational to every human, representative of life: to know Christ and to make HIM known. Shamefully, social media has portrayed many ideas of what believer-ship means through visuals of great praise from some delighting in only those things perceivably favorable unto them (cf. Eccl.7:14); along with little boy preachers without ability to discern the objectivity of faith’s demand (knowing Truth, i.e., the Word of God), but solely capable with imitating theatrics witnessed by senior pulpiteers, to then hear onlookers affirm their presumed calling because they’re foolishly un-inhibited (like all of us who played church when we were children). All of these antics can never be a substitute for discipleship that ensures no stronghold as suited against a faith walk and allows fortitude that’s with a generous aim to ensure others are equally foundational in knowing it was the Author of grace with mercy who truly equips and without HIM, we’re all doomed.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Today’s Thought “We’re Family?” G. Ward

Genesis 9

18 Now the sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth; and Ham was the father of Canaan. 19 These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.


While foods and clothing styles vary with peoples of the earth, the intent was as it’s written; “God made man in His image” and whereas a giraffe cannot mate with the lion, nor the lion with the sheep, those mammals were created less than humanity, and no matter the district on earth, any man can procreate with any woman similarly. Historically, we’ve been bombarded with great divide (racially, socially and culturally) and those constructs have perpetuated, by attempts to make some sects of society less than; even involving heinous acts and while these atrocities existed, including that to which had many seeking to destroy historical data, that could lend pride to some people groups, the quest from some marginalized, have formulated a dis-associative theorizing that even denies the ONE, LIVING GOD (that some abusive of times past and currently insist as their Lord – cf. Matt.7:21-23), while the Almighty never sanctioned this kind of abusive sectarianism, but through the generations of man, sent HIS SON as Redeemer unto whosoever would proclaim HIS sacrifice as sufficient and do so with repentance, we all live…

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

 Today’s Thought “Treasure in Heaven?” G. Ward

Luke 16

12  And if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another’s, who will

give you that which is your own?

The culminating interrogation from this parable concerning the Unrighteous

Manager, witnesses against every character revealed as unscrupulous. Moreover,

they’re deemed “shrewd” as endeavoring things and posture outside the realm of

eternal significance (cf. Matt.6:19-21). The rich owner, who would ultimately fire

this manager for that to which he himself had been guilty of (i.e., impropriety of

sorts), identified (easily) the kind of treachery from such a manager and whether

he cured from this kind of malfeasance, we don’t know; but what we learn is how

to look at what’s been afforded us (i.e., what’s been given us as managers), asking

ourselves, how well have we done with it(?). When it’s all over (in earth), are we

most consumed with our names in an archive soon forgotten; particularly that to

which celebrated owning houses and land, so protectant in all we worked hard

for, to face an eternity – entirely questionable, because our treasures in earth, so

proprietary unto us, insisted we knew God, but never recognized HIM as Owner


Monday, December 11, 2023


Today’s Thought “Truth, Even While Shoppers Buy” G. Ward

John 13

Jesus, knowing that the Father had handed all things over to Him, and that He had come forth from God and was going back to God, got up from supper and laid His outer garments aside; and He took a towel and tied it around Himself.


The Jewish Passover remains the most significant holiday for Jews and was/is comparable to this season’s anticipation of Christmas. Great lengths are taken to ensure all the decorum of the days ahead is that to which will overwhelm all the events’ participants; so much so, that planning usurps the holiday’s meaning.

Our Exemplar Leader, Christ, demonstrated what it means to know the Almighty up to the time of His crucifixion - best servitude unto any who’d follow Him; a perseverance that maintains the Father’s business as precedent, particularly in view of mankind’s attraction to shiny things soon to tarnish.

Believers are compelled to imitate HIM who wouldn’t slow down to ingest the aromas so pungent with cinnamon and other delightful fragrances, but endeavored a year-round quest for many who needed merciful grace that’d keep providing…

Friday, December 8, 2023


Today’s Thought “Spiritual GPS” G. Ward

Matthew 4

1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after He had fasted for forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” 


Our Lord, so superbly voluntary and exemplary, for the cause of disobedient children (where the whole of mankind is guilty), was challenged (incessantly) by many adversarial to Holy God’s Way, demonstrated greatest response; even that to which couldn’t be conjured by intellect, simply countered with the Word of God (cf. John 8:31-32). We now have such magnificence in the spiritual compilation granted us, so as to not defer unto another manuscript (without submission to vain philosophy, or opinions appearing plausible).

The peace in our vocalizing that HE will always be more than enough, frustrates both controversies, along with argumentative behaviors from the ill-advised and shall always stand the test of time (Matt.24:35), because our Maker ordained it to be (cf. 2 Ti.2:16). May our being careful (particularly in our wilderness experience) not allow common vulnerability to answer many without desire to hear our resolute posture.

Thursday, December 7, 2023


Today’s Thought “A Superior Officer” G. Ward

Amos 3

Do two people walk together unless they have agreed to meet?


Messaging for this era found in many, often so zealously inaccurate, can portray some attributes entirely true (relevant to God), while excluding the most vital one to any man’s deliverance from his transgressions – God Is Just (*Col.3:25). Those same purveyors in theological inaccuracy will/can promise fellowship with God as something guaranteed, because of His merciful kindness onto every man and whereas there’s refusal to investigate what holy represents (i.e., unequaled goodness, faultless, morally pure and perfect), it violates intended understanding to know that the Almighty exists without a capacity to acquiesce to sinfulness found in us (unless one is owned by the Savior through repentance of sins – Ro.8:1). Our Father desires a love relationship with you, but know it exists (potentially) not because there’s any goodness found in us, but because the Perfect Lamb of God, stood in our stead (Col.3:13).

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Today’s Thought “Called by Encouragement” G. Ward

Luke 1:They were both righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord. And yet they had no child, because Elizabeth was infertile, and they were both advanced in years.


The birth of John the Baptist is illustrative of why we refer to God as “Almighty,” there’s nothing too difficult for HIM. The miracle however wasn’t the baby, nor the miraculous pregnancy, but primarily, the faithfulness of Holy God, then surrender thereunto from Zechariah and Elizabeth (the parents). They would rest in Holy God’s “no” of years beforehand, yet devote themselves to serving HIM and whereas our charismatic friends want to more express this as opportunity to understand our Lord will often say, “yes, no, or wait a while,” that stance violates an implicit trust of the Only, All-Wise Savior, using us as HIS instrument, for HIS pleasure and glory and whereas this rehearsal (so pervasive), via words seemingly confirm such trust, we must embrace the Truth of HIS Word (whether appearing beneficial or not – *Ps. 103:1-5), compelling our follow-ship of the ONLY voice that matters. Will we rejoice in HIS presence, or have demands that soon tarnish overtake our best judgment (Matt.6:19)?

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Today’s Thought “Living in A Cardboard Box” G. Ward

John 10:1

“Truly, truly I say to you, the one who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber.


While many promote ideas guaranteeing immediate reprieve or growth mechanisms that can bolster one’s economic, or emotional status, satisfaction in having endeavored another risk (whether achieved or failed), moves quickly to another advice record and whereas that gruesome process of trial and error should warrant best calculation to every concept presented (that includes desire and proposed need), the mystery (i.e., the gospel) accepted, in/through Holy God will culminate unto contentment with what’s best for those HE created.

*Many venture to think of a “both, and” status concerning absolute submission to HIS reign and rule, with certain declarations in knowing Him, but He’s resolute in the “either, or” posture (He’s All-Knowing, we’re not) and those of us making plans, have no assurance in whether another minute will present itself. We must cease to settle for the world’s instruction (1 John 2:15-17) through greatest, daily consultation with the script transcendent of whims (*2 Ti.3:16-17).

Monday, December 4, 2023


Today’s Thought “Walking on the Sidewalk” G. Ward

Psalm 37

Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it.


There’s a selfish presumption through American culture that keeps its citizenry as spoiled children. We’re more taught that Holy God chooses to bless us more than most other nations; even through lyrical insistence of “God bless America” as if HIS concern is limited (cf. John 3:16) and whereas bumper stickers, along with monetary inscription declare in God we trust, our being familiar with it written, establishes more contemptuous behavior, than duty (i.e., obeisance). Our Lord desires to teach us a faith imposed by Him won’t ever rely on things seen, but hope in Him (Heb.11:1); yet we construct towers (unsanctioned and without care for imminent storms visiting others, assuring their being sheltered – *Phil.2:3-4).

There’s a lack in spiritual jurisprudence (from mankind) that neglects abiding in the shelter of the Almighty, yet all WILL call on HIS name more sooner than later and whereas one Prophet insists HE will answer (Jer.33:3), presumption enters, assuming it will be a “yes” when that never was the guarantee outside true surrender (Prov.1:24-29) …

21 days till Christmas.

Friday, December 1, 2023


Today’s Thought “Eternal Measurement: Christ, Not Historical, but From Eternity” G. Ward

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being.


God’s Word is only inarguable to those who believe and while others in most religions choose to borrow from this perfect script (according to their pleasure), un-studied onlookers find it impressive; through an insistence to be led by men (forsaking personal instruction from the Almighty – cf. *John 1:14). Many believers audaciously carry great indignation towards any abusive of God’s Word, to forget their own “practical atheism” to which ALL exercise whenever there’s failure to observe HIS Way over their own. We’re therefore given sole responsibility to carry His message that regenerates any from who they are to become His representative in earth (cf. Phil.1:6). Ultimately, man, created in His image, cannot abide in the presence of such authority, by picking and choosing some of its messaging. The congruence of His words remains that to which outlasts “heaven and earth” and calls for a daily exploration, whereby “perfect submission” grants “perfect delight.”