Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Today’s Thought “My Offering” G. Ward
1 Samuel 15:22
And Samuel said, “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.”
This first king for Israel, appointed by the Almighty, was given explicit directives through Samuel to utterly destroy the Amalekites. King Saul’s estimation of how that could appear a complete conquest, was ultimate failure and cost him the kingship.
All of us are with bouts in how we rationalize what life should involve, to forget we’re not owners of a next breath; even speaking authoritatively concerning those things perceivably allowable by Heaven that causes disobedience in the same as this great king (*1 Cor.6:12). Our selfish plight translates arrogance as we seek to co-pilot with the Greatest King and all our echoes that insist He’s Sufficient to govern our lives becomes a song heard, then forgotten (Ezek.30:30-33), but carefulness in the Spirit realm remembers. As we fall on our knees, may our new lives more present a readiness onto every step HE orders before it’s too late (cf. 1 Jn.1:9).
Monday, August 30, 2021
Today’s Thought “IF, A Mighty Word” G. Ward
John 14:15
“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”
Context with this passage pays attention to its prefacing that insists on recognizing the Lord while His presence remains. Claimants in knowing Him is widespread, but the truest measurement of faith asks, “Does Heaven know me” (Matt.7:21-23)?
A love relationship includes a pair. Therefore and while true love exists, trust is the goal and the supremacy from this Partner calls for a humble submission from us. The daily, reasonable pursuit believers enjoy will welcome transformation from this King of Glory because they’ll soon witness that His unrelenting love for them protects their heart, indifferent from others so busy protecting themselves (cf. 2 Ti.3:2).
Friday, August 27, 2021
Today’s Thought “Mama Was Right!” G. Ward
Ephesians 4:29-31
29 When you talk, don’t say anything bad. But say the good things that people need—whatever will help them grow stronger. Then what you say will be a blessing to those who hear you. 30 And don’t make the Holy Spirit sad. God gave you his Spirit as proof that you belong to him and that he will keep you safe until the day he makes you free. 31 Never be bitter, angry, or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil.
Whereas many of my generation and before may not have been faithful to fellowship with other believers, they were greatly exposed to the Truth in Holy God’s Word. Many alive and with children may find themselves using the same exact jargon in the way their parents did and while we seemed to have changed our euphemistic discourse, we’ve not noticed the pervasiveness in character assassinations heightened, along with permissive (even found in every age group). How many heard, “if you’ve nothing good to say about anyone, keep your mouth closed?” To think of our exposure unto numerous Bible scholars all around, particularly as they sought sharing with insistence that to which Final Authority demands is absolutely praiseworthy! We’d all do well to heed the call (*Jas.1:22, Lk.6:46).
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Today’s Thought “Three Wishes?” G. Ward
Luke 1:37
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
So many times throughout the scriptures, we’re admonished regarding Holy God’s power. It’s presented mostly as an assurance of His sufficiency to carry us through difficulties of sorts and while lack of this spiritual regard (for some) may equate such with an access synonymous with hope in winning a mega jackpot, their violation believes they can be satisfied to witness His doing great things on selfish demand (cf. Pr.1:24-29). We must never forget our predecessor’s many trials that included deficiency (i.e. hunger, disease, bondage and exile) and whereas these passages existed for them by prophets and priests, they held onto believing their Creator wouldn’t abandon those HE loves (to which includes you - *Ac.3:19).
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Today’s Thought “Draw Me Nearer” G. Ward
2 Timothy 2:15
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
The prudent will understand another day presented as exasperating when priority unto me receives top billing and while most are practiced thereunto, an interruption is warranted. My planning is deemed permissive, but not entirely beneficial because “time” doesn’t belong to me. I must therefore submit to its Author and His authority is to be reverenced and while a common practice suggests this and that, to then demand He blesses my endeavors, causes great monotony in uncertainties to persist. Instead, “I’d rather have Jesus than…”
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Today’s Thought “A Sweet Fellowship” G. Ward
Proverbs 11:14
Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
While extreme misuse continues as God’s words are read, further interrogation therein delivers greater clarity. I say that in view of this passage in our theme admonishing believers to embrace spiritual consensus where decision making won’t carry a regretful reverberation and whereas some esteem themselves as reasonable counselors, theirs are doomed for failure (particularly when wisdom is presumed). A conscience dedicated to a pursuit that desires greater intimacy/dependence on the All-Wise Savior (including that to which mimics how He walked) that speaks volumes from the script most significant in their life. Other’s exposure to the awesome approach given them by one promoting excellence, will soon echo the same and a community develops the more, unified, not in civic resolve or self- imposed morality, but where the only Truth (Jn.14:6) exists.
Monday, August 23, 2021
Today’s Thought “Monday Quarter-Backing” G. Ward
James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
My leadership over the years has witnessed many horrid reverberations as I sought making decisions for areas to which best governance was needed. The pain thereafter could have been thwarted had I pursued best counsel and whereas my heart’s desire acknowledges those decisions presumed continuity among the recipients, it often left some feeling dejected.
While it’s impossible to please all people, there’s yet a responsibility in any/all forms of governance to insist on personal surrender to the All-Wise Creator of all creation and whereas it appears a guarded, defensive mechanism (i.e. self-preservation), the practice thereunto delivers greater dependence on the Holy ONE (confirming the position of the believer – Pr.3:5-6), granting peace.
Friday, August 20, 2021
Today’s Thought “God, I Have Some Information for You.” G. Ward
Matthew 6:8
“So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”
We’re so entirely bombarded with prayer concepts that beg the Almighty’s obliteration of disease and economic recovery and whereas they’re eloquently poised for our attention, have any asked why HE allows sufferings (cf. Jn.11:3-4)? Moreover, have we become so disillusioned to not remember history’s account of man with all they endured? Was their moral failures so extreme that disallowed great supplications to Holy God in the same? If you’re healed today, are you exempt from future death?
If/when our adoption of prayer onto a more pervasive, common demand that’s unsanctioned by Heaven (*Matt.6:9-13) becomes our insistence, we’d be the very first generation to receive from Holy God a world void of trouble. Instead, we’re to anticipate how perseverance in Christ increases as troubles persist (Jas.1:2-4). Reverence for our Creator will trust in His eternal presence, Supremacy and wisdom to govern these times as He’s done for the many prior and not a genie in a bottle concept, prepared to grant three wishes (Isa.55:8-9)…
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Today’s Thought “Forgetting Yesterday” G. Ward
Colossians 3
5 Therefore, treat the parts of your earthly body as dead to sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry. 6 For it is because of these things that the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, 7 and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them.
There’s a morality scale refused by many (often without cognizance) because life’s difficulties have been too weighty for their resolve and whereas they desire escape, the code crackers (i.e. carriers of the gospel of Christ) are with spiritual lethargy in sharing the way out from misery to freedom. Have we become the beauty pageant contestant with aspirations for global peace to forget the King of reconciliation pre-arranged our reprieve, then to know that what HE’S done for us is without difficulty for the vilest of sinners also (*Matt.11:28-30)?
Because HE lives, all can face tomorrow, confident of HIS loving them enough to walk according to the passages from our most excellent theme; so throw a lifeline.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Today’s Thought “Another Clubhouse Meeting” G. Ward
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
When we were children, the priority in fellowshipping was so conditional that it would soon leave another ostracized from what perceivably was fun (cf. Ac.2:44). In a word, it’s referred to as bullying and whereas generations of manipulative children existed, maturity in some adults that insist their progeny be upstanding young people (regarding everyone for their worth by the Creator) apparently remains compromised because the bully yet exists. Moreover and because we truly never grow up, our Father in Heaven wants us captive (preeminently so) to HIS Word through obedience; knowing that ideologies of sorts (seemingly captivating), maintains an exclusivity that transcends a particular “club meeting” and becomes pertinent to whether they can be received by Heaven’s standard and because those precepts prescribed won’t grant me a “higher than” status, it fails to bolster my ego and social standing. Instead, we preach Christ as enough, as the all-inclusive Savior that redeems despite our sinfulness (*Ro.5:7-8).
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Today’s Thought “Needing Rest?” G. Ward
Proverbs 12:25
Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.
The spirit of encouragement is losing prominence with humanity and being displaced by desire for things found in others and while this actuality may seem impossible to conquer and whereas the search for best is often met in presumption from those with similar anatomy versus where perfect admonishing remains and solely existent through the Holy One who yearns to talk with you whereby you’ll discover that His words are sweeter than the honeycomb (Ps.19:8-10).
Monday, August 16, 2021
Today’s Thought “Unmitigated Gall” G. Ward
Philippians 2
3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
Let’s see now; there are numerous innocent residents throughout Afghanistan on today, absolutely frantic concerning lack of governance for their country as a group of insurrectionists seek control and whereas the past 4 American Presidents earnestly sought resolution, many would perish through efforts of humanitarianism. While the country of Haiti awakens to what’s a third day after an earthquake having exceeded the scale to which witnessed 250,000 lives lost and saw 300,000 people injured in 2010, awaits the victimization of the 2021 crisis. This morning’s report of Haiti’s calamity has determined 1300 deaths and many more to be either rescued from the rubble or soon to be extracted after succumbing to death. Moreover, we’ve been re-introduced to a wicked variant of Covid-19 wreaking havoc among our citizenry through perpetuations of disunity and mistrust (and while health matters have been inarguable and left to scientists in times past, we’re now in an unprecedented time where political posturing seems to be winning). We can view any/all of this in abstract with temporary compassionate statements of sorrow, along with castigation of our government’s lethargy (as we ride on the backs of donkeys and elephants), or exist spiritually and confirm the work of Christ as inclusive in every parcel of this world’s occupancy that desires salvation for those He made.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Today’s Thought “Detective for A Day” G. Ward
Proverbs 14:15
“The simple believes everything,
but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”
My love for the fellowship of Christ is our commitment to the Word of God that produces a common bond. That unity translates a total dependence on our Savior as Leader and transcends our gatherings, whereby consciences are seared in dedication of every endeavor to His exemplar life in earth. Many organizations of sorts anticipate the continuity modeled by our love, but must juxtapose personalities (self-seeking). It can be likened to a Teacher busy corralling energies of children; so much so that it impedes curriculum’s objective and whereas believers have been purchased by an incorruptible, sacrificial Redeemer, our insistence to be transformed by/for His purpose remains paramount. We beg for perfect spiritual reconciliation each day from those outside of this faith who feel they can have this Wonderful Savior, while still pursuant to their self-gratification, denying the contingency for truly knowing Him (*Matt.16:24-26) and whereas those same outsiders deem we’re robotic, lacking critical thinking, we’re proud to say we insist to remain in the boundary of His words as this day is presented.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Today’s Thought “Lost With Little Gas Remaining” G. Ward
Psalm 81:11-12
“But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels.”
He was a 25 year old Dominican that made it to the major league (a dream for most young men having grown up with little) and his assignment on an anticipated date in August 1982 as starting pitcher for the Atlanta Braves had him infuriated as he sought to find the stadium while driving on Metropolitan Atlanta’s illustrious Interstate (285). There’s one thing in great frustration in trying to ascertain directions in Atlanta (particularly from a native) and another when there’s a language barrier (as Spanish was preferred). Perez would drive the expanse of the parameter more than twice (the equivalent of 150 miles) with little gas remaining and while some would criticize his reliance on a GPS system, remember it was 1982 (we were still inserting coins at the phone booth).
Inviting you to such magnificence in storyline that’s absolutely true, won’t compare to the highway portraying destruction when any refuse Holy God’s guidance by insisting on dreams exercised apart from His prompting. He alone is unmatched in wisdom and Sufficient to make the world and its contents. Is it too difficult for Him to guide your short life, considering others (from thousands of years) have endured under His Mighty Shelter (cf. *2 Cor.6:2)?
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Today’s Thought “Holding MY Position” G. Ward
1 Samuel 15:23
“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the LORD,
He also has rejected you from being king.”
The Word of God is given man not for partial compliance and although we can witness that throughout the passages, there’s refusal to believe those same scenarios provided include me (cf. vs.22b). Was/is God so saturated with us as favorites of His to have made things so difficult in times past unto others to then bless us with grace and mercy from the Savior’s most excellent sacrificial act that the warnings of old have been nullified; or is it written for our perfect guidance (*2 Ti.3:16-17)?
Our compliance now will determine our success with things in earth and beyond (and whether there is one – in a favorable location). When there’s insistence to pervade “your way” in conjunction to “The Only Way” (proven from the beginning – Jn.1:1-3), failures are imminent.
Monday, August 9, 2021
Today’s Thought “Under the Radar” G. Ward
James 1:27
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Christ was/is the quintessential Advocate for man, in that He helped our helpless estate and because our confession of Him as entirely Sufficient to do so and then guide us, the building we occupy is being re-constructed for His purpose. While others have too been exemplary, even selfless, their service is generally given as a portion in life and whereas Christ embodied full surrender unto mankind (even His opposers), our compelling in imitating HIM has become the barometer for belief and everything endeavored must be weighed accordingly.
Friday, August 6, 2021
Today’s Thought “Chain of Fools” G. Ward
Matthew 11
25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent, and have revealed them to infants.
Participation in a funeral on yesterday, then again on today, is inevitable for all men (not so much the circumstance of pageantry, but certainty of dying). We should be discovering that the span of life is altogether short and one who is wise (i.e. in sociological proportion) plans for future retirement vigorously and is commended for fiscal priority, but lacks guarantee of a next breath, along with no control thereunto and whereas his pursuit in acclimation towards a comfortable life seems prudent, he neglected the most important mission – “where will I spend eternity” (*cf. Matt.11:28-30)?
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Today’s Thought “Forgetting Me Not” G. Ward
1 Thessalonians 2:13
And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.
The term “A Work in Progress” applies here and that progression is ongoing and whereas we’re thankful as we engage how far we’ve come, we must never forget the journey was made possible by the Holy One. It was entirely His prompting that enabled this love relationship and our confession of His sufficiency to do so must remain as life’s viaduct for blessings furthered (Jn.6:44). Moreover and finally, this gratitude must be willing to never consider a regressive exchange towards castigating others to which enabled (along with necessitated) mine own spiritual reconciliation achieved as something impossible for another because of what seemingly is impracticable for their change. Absolutely nothing is too difficult for the Lord!
Monday, August 2, 2021
Today’s Thought “Your Opinions, Your Philosophies…” G. Ward
Psalm 84
6 Passing through the Valley of Baca they make it a spring;
The early rain also covers it with blessings.
7 They go from strength to strength,
Every one of them appears before God in Zion.
This great Psalm speaks to an anticipation of worship (i.e. gaining presence with Holy God). As worshippers walked the distance to their perspective place of worship, they would encounter picturesque tracts of land that lent effortless accompaniment to the joy of it all; but the valley spoken of was extremely arid (dreary) and certainly could have dampened the worshipper’s experiencing a joyful ascent to the Temple.
By faith and very particularly in this New Testament era, we’re called temples of the Spirit (1 Cor.6:19-20) and conditions all around are with great moral failures, pervading great unrest with its common citizenry. Participation in the fury without absolute resolve (i.e. peace – cf. Jn.14:27) is a contribution in futility that subtracts from spiritual effectiveness, along with hindering desired presence with the Holy One (*cf. 2 Ti.2:16).
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