Thought “Defection Within” G. Ward
Jude 1:4 “For
certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked
out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness
and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”
seek to carry the good news of redemption regardless of a past unworthy of
presentation. Moreover, theirs inspire any to “wait on the Lord” that enjoins
them onto a peace misunderstood by most. Our spiritual institutions welcome every
category of mankind to often forget the dissolution of worldly concepts is the
accompaniment soon obscured by the best authoritative path (cf. Jn.14:6). Prior
thoughts of success involves an aptitude for tasks embracing worship (cf.1
Cor.2:1-2), while forgetting that every progenitor of faith occupied sole
reliance with Holy God operating through them, only requiring their
availability, not talent or presumed giftedness.
Most places
of worship rely on proficiency exemplified in secular work that designates these
individuals leaders, while others are subject to humiliation as they endeavor
the yardwork, cleaning and kitchen responsibilities. The “common salvation”
mentioned by Jude (vs.3) sought promoting unity and fellowship without
distinction. The vulnerability of man pursuant to the unadulterated words from
God, extinguish ideas of vain philosophy proposed by many infiltrators that
maintain frequency in most congregations. Real joy exists in an unrelenting
demand to trust in the written guide that delivers eternal satisfaction vs. the
next great party that corrupts.