Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Today’s Thought “Emergency Room” G. Ward

“And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.” Jude 1:22-23

Gentleness with great care is the lack that subtracts from skeptics of religion conforming unto the “Way, Truth and Life.” The message appears historically and joyfully undeniable; but eyes remain on the messenger and particularly when he is evidently offended by this presumed rejection. The beholder’s neglect to see that history has revealed that everyone won’t come to know HIM is remarkably unexplored.

Apostasy, Agnosticism and Atheism persists because we (Believers) mostly desire co-piloting a life given us vs. allowing complete surrender of the wheel to Holy God (disallowing viewership of a peaceable life). We’re carriers of the most excellent cure and rather than inject the fullness of the antidote, we add water thinking it may run short (cf. Mt.5:16).

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Today’s Thought “Impossible Tenure” G. Ward

“In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah, Hoshea the son of Elah became king over Israel in Samaria, and reigned nine years. He did evil in the sight of the Lord, only not as the kings of Israel who were before him.” 2 Kings 17:1-2

Imagine that God’s word was filled with just promise of security, provision in abundance and dying, unmentionable. Purveyors of religion currently insist on searches in carefulness to select only passages uplifting, forsaking warnings given every prophet (delineating consequences of sin). Perfect obeisance reveals implicit trust of the All Wise Creator and blessing’s contingency rests therein.

Eighteen kings before Hoshea failed in seeking righteousness and while disappointment became the necklace of the people, they poignantly excused themselves of their predecessor’s initial insistence of a king in the first place (cf. 1 Sa.8).

When/if our own kingship seeks to interpose thoughts of sorts, along with Holy God’s superiority, inevitable exile visits (*cf. Mt.22:1-14).

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Today’s Thought “Miracle Healing” G. Ward

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” John 14:15

I attended worship services with a lady who upon joining our fellowship epitomized uninhibited volunteerism. It became apparent that her boasts in having discovered an unpretentious fellowship of believers to link with enabled her invite to friends and family’s consideration in the same; then the walls came tumbling down. She was injured at her workplace, causing her to miss church. Initially there were promises from her of imminent return. Months passed and another member accompanied me to a local store whereby her gregarious spirit along with numerous packages in her arms witnessed tremendous physical prowess without potential stumble. When she noted our presence, her prior telephone state of feeble entered the room. Perhaps the insurance investigator’s camera was off, but Holy God never slumbers (cf. Ps.139:1-3, Mt.6:21, *Heb.10:25)…

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Today’s Thought “On the Cusp of Heaven” G. Ward

“Likewise urge the young men to be sensible; in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech which is beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us.” Titus 2:6-8

The complaints that wages chasms of disconnect between generations reveals unfaithfulness. Systems of the world use mediation tactics along with diversity training to enable both receptivity and continuity’s flow that ensures greater profitability entirely resolute. Howbeit that worldly standards of recognizing peaceable tolerance supersedes Final Authority’s mandates of dutiful reciprocity (cf. 1 Cor.6:11)? Local church decline and gospel presentation’s refusal persists because of existential predominance of so-called believer’s (cf. Mt.7:21-23) insistence that the mercy shown them doesn’t include the remaining derelicts.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Today’s Thought “Intensity” G. Ward

She made a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and a razor shall never come on his head.” 1 Samuel 1:11

Varied afflictions will occur as life persists (cf. Ro.8:18). Hannah couldn’t have a baby; it appeared more a cultural embarrassment, in view of a time whereby every family’s objective insisted on progeny ensuring future generations from the progenitors of faith. Hannah’s praying most certainly embraced the ridicule from her barren state of infertility, but further investigation’s view unfolds potential lack in spiritual continuity with Holy God (via her overwhelming affliction) if this wasn’t granted.

Be sure that the afflictions made known to Holy God stemming from you desires continued intimacy with the Savior over misery (self-inflicted) and material insatiability that may frivolously approach ONE that cannot be fooled (Eccl.5:1-2).

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Today’s Thought “Hope of Relief” G. Ward

“It is good for a man that he should bear the yoke in his youth.” Lamentations 3:27

It’s arrogant at best to think I’m not part of a generation so distant from the holy priority the Creator intended. Moreover it’s more disrespectfully audacious for me to recite the greatness of the moral climate of my youth, while instrumental in any percentage of acclimation to the reprobation current. Tradition ceased because the beholder of moral considerations rebelled (in one’s youth) against what brought them thus far and sought (much later) to recapitulate better days unto a generation estimating past generations (i.e. history) only in classroom environments that passes tests of academia, but denies the practicality of learning from past imperfects along with greatness achieved. Old people, wake up!

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Today’s Thought “Religious Practices Undefined” G. Ward

“Yet in like manner these men in their dreamings defile the flesh, reject authority, and revile the glorious ones.”Jude 1:8

How frustrating it is to witness very little to no change in 2000 years since the most excellent, all inclusive message of the cross diminished to man’s frivolous infusions (cf. Isa.55:8-9). Ultimately, any tampering of truth in God’s word is evil. The days of Jude witnessed this evil and surprisingly it wasn’t imposters from the outside that established this letter of contention, it was the inside faction (so-called fellow believers) spreading falsehoods.

The vulnerability that subtracts from man identifying Christ’s Sufficiency persists because men attend church to “get a word” vs. worshipping HIM for HIS great supply of Truth made available throughout the week (Ro.10:8).

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Today’s Thought “My Life, My Money…” G. Ward

“Haran died in the presence of his father Terah in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldeans.” Genesis 11:28

There’s this autumn in chronologics that has some like me reading varied newspapers and periodicals online with particular interest in our local news, especially the obituaries. Some would regard this as morbid, but there’s demand for this inevitability (particularly when you may have attended school with John Wilkes Booth – assassin to Abraham Lincoln). More than often I’ve discovered an acquaintances’ death via this exploration. While it’s become taboo to even mention this surety (i.e. death), such was not the case for our predecessors. Instead, there was great preparation for dying that included life’s review that considers one’s own eternality. We would do well in reestablishing conversations that questions whether there will be rest or great torment (cf. Mt.7:21). Is my name soon to be in print without me knowing so?

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Today’s Thought “Distinction in the Heavenlies” G. Ward

“For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

We always applied Holy God’s plan for some in the womb unto the Prophet Jeremiah (Jer.1:5) and John the Baptist (Lk.1:14-15); but our Great Maker had us in mind. *If you place your name amidst the tremendous narratives of Holy God’s word, how might that change your directives?

I’ve had the privilege in boarding jet planes; my request is always for emergency exit rows (they’re with more leg room). When granted such opportunity, rest assured the flight attendant is on their way to inquire about your receptivity in an emergency situation to assist fellow passengers before potential evacuation. The inquiry is of biblical proportion, so let’s offer a spiritual contrast: Considering your “Bought” (1 Cor.6:19) status, are you prepared to share the glorious message of the cross with another that may need perfect Guidance unto destiny unknown (Ge.12:1)?

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Today’s Thought “Worldly Dictates” G. Ward

“Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Gentlemen, the antics of Scrooge (Christmas’ character of dissatisfaction) won’t work on today! It’s a national “love” day and attempts in echoing the foolishness of a day’s scope with insistence in purchasing cards, flowers and candy may require your imminent visitation (*cf.Pr.21:9). Moreover man (or adults appearing as men, but lacking the quality therein), these Ladies have supported you in varied ways that keeps giving although little to no reciprocity in the same is rendered.

Ladies, re-read the passage above then go look the jerk dead in the face and share your love and faithfulness unto him (the baby needs this). Perhaps by Christmas, he’ll go to Kay Jewelers. Finally Ladies, you owe it to the  younger in serving as a reminder of the infamous Dr. Frankenstein who endeavored making a perfect man in a laboratory, who ultimately became a horrible monster (cf. Tit.2:4-5).

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Today’s Thought “With Me In Mind” G. Ward

“Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love...” Ephesians 1:4

There’s a great prefacing heard throughout the many auditoriums of worship taken from Psalm 122:1, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” The psalmist was elated due to great reprieve from life’s woes only generated from the Lord; then desirous for others to experience the same.       His mindset wasn’t with boasts in self-absorption, but echoed a greater sentiment of generosity and hospitality.

We’ve been introduced to another mantra, “sweep around your own front door first” mentality. While sounds in prudence presumably stem from such, the transcendence in usage is entirely antithetical to what Jesus Christ modeled (Phil.2:4). Why not take better ownership of personal conviction in Christ’s redemption for/in you this week by honing in with one needing recompense? It must begin by praying for uninterrupted opportunity, then receptivity, unto a concise presentation of the gospel’s indiscriminate desire to transform any feeling incomplete. Inactivity from this basic reality (Ro.12:1) in believer-ship may reveal lack of trust in personal redemption (cf.Mk.10:17-27).
Happy Monday!    

Friday, February 10, 2017

Today’s Thought “Guarded” G. Ward

“Establish my footsteps in Your word, and do not let any iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I may keep Your precepts.  Make Your face shine upon Your servant,
and teach me Your statutes.” Psalm 133-135

There’s that horrible sense of identifying how to protect my personal interests, lifting my own persona’s estimation among men thing again; O’ how exasperating! The holy, righteous pursuits never look back because consciousness towards other’s value is his estimation (Phil.2:3-5).

Our existence (or stay) in the earth is short and the righteous should more desire greater morality for future generations by modeling societal hospitality that reflects the Savior’s mindset ensuring a crown of righteousness’ presentation (cf. Eph.2:8-10). It should never be me being esteemed by man over my Lord (Phil.2:5-7)…

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Today’s Thought “First Instinct” G. Ward

“How blessed are those whose way is blameless, Who walk in the law of the Lord. How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, Who seek Him with all their heart.” Psalm 119:1-2


A true determinant for believer-ship is preeminent observance of what Holy God has said and immediate conformity therein, not because of the rigid rule, but because it’s pure delight. It’s certainly two-fold: First, it’s reasonable when excellent guidance, rendering peace and joy is given, has become the dying sacrifice of One, enabling  my confession of Him as substantive enough, then allowing His regenerative power’s ability to totally transform my life. Second, His will for my life is without elements of indecision; it’s entirely proven, authoritative and all-inclusive, never desiring my co-piloting status (indicative of the bumper sticker entirely untrue); HIS provisions are abundantly sufficient.

Continued success to what has been the best plan for life given contemplates His precepts before endeavors in futility unfolds great regret. I must maintain humble cognizance of what I’ve demonstrated hundreds of thousands times before – selfish desire. Its immeasurable, insatiable witness to inability in ever satisfying my soul. Faith is Difficult…

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Today’s Thought “Finding Purpose” G. Ward

“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

While many are consumed with national pride, particularly America, they forget that the Owner allows the penetration in evil to continue (cf. Ps.127:1), not in terms of mean-spiritedness, but promoting surrender in us granting safe passage stemming from Omnipotence. Moreover, our view of catastrophe, reprehensible behavior and heinous crime, has become perpetuated denial from many of us, rarely to contemplate these miseries crossing our own thresholds. If at any point this perceived possibility in pessimism surfaces in the mindsets of the reasonable, their living may more adjust to momentary habitation in righteous pursuit vs. making plans for the next day.

Holy God is indeed patient with us because HE loves His created ones, desiring their conformity to the great plan culminated at Calvary, ensuring that outsiders come into this house. The new day to which you’ve been exposed is granted for that purpose and should be the premier construction of every avenue endeavored moment to moment. I pray you’ll be successful…

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Today’s Thought “So Entirely Thankful” G. Ward

 “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

A constant view of evil found in others rarely interrogates the inconsistent pursuit in righteousness I’ve demonstrated. I’ve maintained that many do the best they can with what they have and the apparent assessment concludes they’re without much; but I’m without excuse, which is far worse. Experientially and personally, I know the Savior and my dependence on Him is the wavering reliance I’m not proud in proclaiming.

The beauty of Holy God’s grace is that the living is afforded another moment to recognize their own life in futility without true redemption (Ac.4:12). When the more superior relationship intended for man is acknowledged (that is, a consistent longing for HIS righteousness - *1 Pe.2:2), the blinders are then removed to discover that I, along with millions of others (who say they know Him), pales the contrast of the initial 12 who pervaded the entire Roman Empire with the gospel of Truth (unto any), looking to heaven as their guiding light.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Today’s Thought “A Win-Win” G. Ward

“So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown a perishable body, it is raised an imperishable body.” 1 Corinthians 15:42

On yesterday to begin our worship services we sang what (for millennials) would be esteemed as chants of dirges (funeral songs). These songs sought to offer familiarity for any onto a plight from our predecessor’s (very particularly in view of ALL in America celebrating Black History Month) lack of regard in a country that pervaded great oppression unto their kind. Without intents of divisiveness, our prefacing to each song highlighted worship of Holy God’s promise of imminent deliverance unto not only those identifying redemption from on high, but were masterfully evangelistic chants of invitation to know Christ as Lord (for fellow compatriots in despair). Here’s something to contemplate; while drudgery persisted unto the proposed lesser, the presumed greater would also hear these songs of praise, befuddled in how worship could yet emanate from mouths of those so oppressed (cf. Ro.8:18). *Coming to know the LORD happens many ways, unto the worst (in who we’ve been) to demonstrate HIS sole omnipotence (Ro.10:13)…

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Today’s Thought “Kool-Aid Without Sugar” G. Ward

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

I believe the days of older citizens trapping younger people into corners expressive of days prior when the moral climate demanded compliance from all is the lost component that keeps unadulterated Truth marginalized. Sure, it was exasperating hearing our foreparents paint with too many words, the equivalent of a Norman Rockwell painting depicting tremendous solace for every community. I say exasperating because every generation witnessed such degenerative occurrences from their current community that offered such a lesser contrast.

History repeating itself happens because there’s a lack towards proper investigation that rendered success for those prior generations, then evaluating avoidance of errors committed in the same. Let’s not construe technological advancement for capturing life against the medieval insufficiency of the past. The surety of peace is the deliberate, timeless mechanism in moral adherence that remains eternally authoritative for every generation.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Today’s Thought “Without Regard for Now” G. Ward

“And we toil, working with our own hands; when we are reviled, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure.” 1 Corinthians 4:12

Favorable regard of presumed ministers of the gospel today rarely stems from qualifications observed, indifferent from those in the apostolic age; who sought imposing a denial of self-preservation. In that day the predominant group regarded them as buffoons; particularly in view of their plain presentation, both in promulgation and appearance. Our modernity has perpetuated great lack of investigation of truth, receiving any who say they’re a representative of God based on a clergy look and oratory. True ministers have never relied on personal tools of the perceived trade, but trusted solely in the message responsible for their own deliverance. Moreover, their urgency in delivery forgot to go by the tailor for a custom suit, along with unfamiliarity with a Bentley over a Chrysler. The pursuits from many will inevitably allow history’s re-visit of persecution and horrid apostasy. Who then will stand (*cf. Deut. 18:20)?

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Today’s Thought “Don’t Entertain Defense” G. Ward

“Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.” 2 Corinthians 11:15

Yes, sticks and stones will break my bones and words do hurt! In the earth my flesh accompanies my soul and my juxtaposing this conjoined state is in itself a great war. Therefore, I train my faith to know that Christ endured slander, physical assault, opposing factions (that included His own family) and murderous plots so that life given His followers wouldn’t succumb to perceived euphoria as Truth tellers, but that all (even me) would stay the course.

It’s horrific to think that the cost of discipleship may/will include the level of persecution shown Christ, until I contemplate the “Balm of Gilead” (The Bible uses this term metaphorically to delineate an ointment used for healing with soothing powers for soul matters. *cf. Jas.5:13-15) that HE sought (Mk.1:35) in soul reprieve. HIS grace remains SUFFICIENT!

Happy Wednesday!