Thought “Clear and Distinct” G. Ward
“Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not
see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.”
Matthew 13:13
The days of
old were very compelling as a child, in that, adults that hadn’t seen you in
some time would comment up to two minutes or more on how much you had grown
since the last visit. Next, the interrogation; asking what you wanted to be
when becoming an adult. If you were a Ward child, what resonated
immediately was our Dad’s voice that insisted we speak clearly and distinct
from what was typical. Our Mother on the other hand, echoed a heartfelt
sentiment of “mess up if you want to!” In other words, the place you
embarrassed her, would be the place to which you were embarrassed.
My generation
Boomers, born 1946-1964) was trained to speak when spoken to. The
current acceptance perpetuated by many adults, is accepting to children not
vocalizing at all when spoken to. Many offer quick defense for their
disrespectful babies by suggesting how shy they are. Was shy-ness just
invented? Early preparedness (cf. Dt.6:5-7) enables greater comfort (in later
life terms). So remember, for some of us, it’s not cute when we seek in aiding
their (your progeny) interpersonal skills via what should be dialogue. If you
begin training them now vs. relegating that responsibility to other systems,
perhaps they’ll land the job and move out of your house…